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Show Off Your Promoting Students!

You may have noticed that we've added some new banners to Cedarlane's campus. We thought parents would like to get some similar banners for their student's as well so we worked with the local printer who made them for us to create some affordable banners for our Cedarlane students. For $15.00 you can purchase on of the 3, 36x18" vinyl banners below. They are customizable with your student's name and grade. Option C is also customizable with other family members (auntie and uncle, grandma or grandpa, sister, etc... it doesn't have to say mom and dad. Please just let the printer know if that part needs to be modified.)

If you'd like to release your banner to PTO once they're finished, we'll hang them around the campus fencing for our neighborhood to see. You can collect them at a designated time once school is out of session. If you prefer to keep them for display at your home or place of choosing, you may do that as well!

Place your orders directly with FC Printing and Awards at using the form below. Click HERE to download the form.

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